Public PhD Defence: Bridging Monte Carlo Worlds: A New Framework for Accelerator Physics Simulations Applied on Shielding and Machine Protection Studies

3 May/24
10:30 - 12:00 (Europe/Zurich)

Public PhD Defence: Bridging Monte Carlo Worlds: A New Framework for Accelerator Physics Simulations Applied on Shielding and Machine Protection Studies



This thesis delves into the critical study of particle transport in matter, particularly emphasising
its implications for machine protection at CERN's accelerator complex and facilities. To conduct
studies of this nature, FLUKA and Geant4 stand out within a small group of general-purpose,
multi-particle Monte Carlo codes, validated in energies reaching the multi-TeV. However, their
structural differences and user interface philosophies present significant challenges in obtaining
results with both codes for the same problems. Overcoming these challenges is crucial, considering
the inherent